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"The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones"

By: Suzanne Somers

What if you could really feel better as you get older, or age without illness? What could be better than having your doctor tell you that you have the bones of a twenty-year-old, or the heart of a thirty-year-old? Follow the advice in Ageless, and you’ll discover your own internal fountain of youth! In this #1 New York Times bestseller, Suzanne Somers reveals the secrets to a younger, healthier, and sexier you. 

Jam-packed with updated information on bioidentical hormone replacement and antiaging, Ageless will change your life forever. Suzanne talks about:

• Antiaging medicine and how it can help work against the environmental assault that is making us sick

• Menopause, which can become an enjoyable passage once the body is in perfect hormonal sync with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

• Why so many hysterectomies are unnecessary, how birth control pills may have contributed to the rise of them, and how to restore your body to perfect hormonal balance after having one

• The importance of sleep and the healing work that nature does during this time


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